Serial Colorimpact 412
002- 770 The j ob te mpla te c ould not be pr oces sed due to in suf fic ient hard disk spa ce. Delete unnecessary data from the hard disk.
Desktop Central is a Windows Desktop Management Software for managing desktops in LAN and across WAN from a central location. It provides Software Deployment, Patch Management, Asset Management, Remote Control, Configurations, System Tools, Active Directory and User Logon Reports.
003- 750 No d ocum ent was sav ed f or the doub le-s ided Book let Crea tion feat ure. Chec k the setting of the double-sided Booklet Creation feature. 003- 751 The s peci fied docu men t ar ea is too sma ll. S elec t a h ighe r re solu tion or a larg er scan area. 003-754 003-755 An error occurred in the document scanner. Reset the document, and scan again. Crazy chicken song download mp3 song.
003- 756 The fax docu ment is c omp lete ly w hite. Ch eck that the o rigi nal is n ot wh ite, or that the front and back sides have been reversed. 003- 760 Inco mpa tibl e fea ture s ar e se lec ted i n th e doc ume nt s can con diti ons. Chec k th e selected options. 003- 761 The p aper siz e in t he tr ay s elec ted by auto tra y sw itch ing, dif fers from the p aper size in the tray selected at the tray selection. Either change the paper size for the tray, or change the paper type priority setting. 003- 763 An e rror occ urr ed w hen read ing the Grad atio n Ad just ment Char t.
P lace the chart properly on the document glass. 003- 780 Com pres sion of s cann ed d ata was uns ucc ess ful. Komik tintin bahasa indonesia lengkap in english language.
Lowe r t he r esol utio n or reduction/enlargement ratio to reduce the data size, or send the document in smaller segments. 003- 795 The redu ctio n/en larg emen t r atio exc eeds the sett ing rang e wh en t he s cann ed document is enlarged/reduced to the specified paper size. Directly enter the reduction/enlargement ratio, or change the paper size. 003- 981 St apli ng m ixed siz e doc umen ts is a vail able only for docu ment s wi th t he s ame width. Cancel the staple feature or reset the documents with the same width.
005-210 005-275 005-280 005-283 005-284 005-285 005-286 An error occurred in the document feeder. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center. 012-211 012-212 012-221 012-223 012-224 The finisher malfunctioned. Turn the power off and on. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists.
012-259 012-260 012-263 012-280 012-282 012-283 012-284 012-285 012-291 012-293 012-294 012-295 012-296 The finisher malfunctioned. Turn the power off and on. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists. 016- 210 An er ror occ urr ed on the s oftw are opti on s etti ngs.
Tur n th e pow er of f and on. Contact the Xerox Welcome Center if the problem persists. 016- 21 1 An er ror occ urr ed du e to insu ffi cien t me mor y. Ch eck if m emo ry i s in sta lled correctly. If memory is installed correctly, and not bein g able to iden tify the cause of the problem, contact the Xerox Welcome Center.
016- 212 An er ror occ urre d due to in suf fic ient mem ory. Ch eck if m emo ry i s in sta lled correctly. If memory is installed correctly, and not bein g able to iden tify the cause of the problem, contact the Xerox Welcome Center. 016- 213 The s oft war e fea ture does not f unct ion p rope rly, bec ause the p rint er c ard i s not properly installed.