Obnovitj Android Samsung Ace Gt S5830i 236 Do 404

Hello every body. I'm new here. And i want you to help me. I have Samsung galaxy Ace gt-s5830i. It works fine until i flashed it with a new ROM.
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Now it show a circle icon instead of network signal. Free download prison break season 5 all episodes torrent. And i can't make calls or recieve them even emergency calls. I tried to flash a stock ROM but it always give the same problem. I tried a lot of methods in the Internet without result. The Only things that gone is the network connection. The IMEI remains the same and wifi mac address.
Dec 12, 2012 - Usage Statistics for daviddfriedman.com. /2006/12/why-do-we-give-gifts.html 241 0.05% 236 0.05%.com/sercomm/skachat-drayver-dlya-gt-s5830/ 6 0.00% 6 0.00%.://acorp-drajver-skachat.ci-solutions.net/3com/drayvera-dlya-samsung-galaxy-ace/ 2. Position (offset in bytes) in this file of beginning of each section for # direct I/O. 2265 POS_ERRORS 152700 POS_CLUSTER 4610 POS_SIDER_404 152855.
Thank you and sorry for bad English.