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Nancy Drew is on her way to the Lilac Inn, where 17-year-old Emily Crandall is. Nancy Drew SECRET OF THE OLD CLOCK #12 (Classic PC Game) FREE US. T廠都告訴我們一萬公里保養一次就好了??!! a引擎會積油泥之事,現仍然會嗎? 嚴苛條件保養週期表: 行駛於多灰塵路段→.
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Add in a contested will, a Depression-era economy, and a town full of strangers, and Nancy Drew has some big challenges in front of her as she sets out to solve her 12th computer-game case. In The Secret of the Old Clock, Nancy visits a friend-of-a-friend named Emily Crandall, whom she meets for the first time when arriving at the Lilac Inn, which is run by Emily and her guardian. Emily and her recently deceased mother had run the inn for years, and expected its eccentric but kindly owner, Josiah Crowley, to leave it to them in his will.
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Instead, it seems the deed to the Lilac Inn was left in full to a flamboyant character named Richard Topham, who runs the town's 'School for the Study and Development of Paranormal Powers.' Chances are it will take Nancy's natural powers of keen observation, empathetic engagement, and good old fashioned deductive reasoning, to see through any supernatural charades and help her new friends find justice. Released in time to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the teen sleuth's literary debut, Secret of the Old Clock is based on characters and settings found in the first four Nancy Drew books, and it is the first game in the Her Interactive series that is set in the past instead of contemporary times.
Product Identifiers Publisher Her Interactive, Inc. Game Nancy Drew: Secret of the Old Clock UPC 888, 86 eBay Product ID (ePID) 46007157 Key Features Platform PC ESRB Rating E - Everyone Genre Action, Adventure Location USA Tech Details Control Elements Keyboard, Mouse Release Year 2005 Game Special Features • Story based on the first published Nancy Drew book • Over 20 hours of investigative gameplay • Obtain and exchange valuable tips and clues with other players online.